Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Memory & Spelling: Feb. 19-22

Memory Work:
Lent Prayer
Dear heavenly Father, through Baptism You have made us Your own children. During this Lenten time, cleanse our hearts that we might be truly sorry for our sinful nature. Send Your Spirit to us that we may learn of Your intent for our lives. Make us more generous in our showing of Your love to others. For the sake of our dear Savior we ask these things. Amen.

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Week 22: Trapped by Ice!

  1. Monday
  2. sudden
  3. until
  4. forget
  5. happen
  6. follow
  7. dollar
  8. window
  9. hello
  10. market
  11. pretty
  12. order
Challenge Words:
  1. stubborn
  2. expect

Spelling Words- 4th Grade
Week 22: Gloria Estefan

  1. sunnier
  2. cloudier
  3. windier
  4. cities
  5. heaviest
  6. prettiest
  7. studied
  8. easier
  9. noisier
  10. families
  11. ferries
  12. crazier
  13. funnier
  14. earlier
  15. copied
  16. hobbies
  17. angriest
  18. emptied
  19. worried
  20. happiest

Challenge Words:
  1. iciest
  2. hazier
  3. breezier
  4. companies
  5. qualities

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