We are halfway through the
first quarter at Saint Paul’s Lutheran School. Mid-quarter reports went home
last week and, I must say, I am very proud of the job our students are doing to
make those stellar grades!
Last week, our boys’ baseball
team (comprised of boys from the Lutheran schools in Troy, Staunton, Hamel,
Prairietown, and Litchfield) won their first game of the season against Holy
Cross, Collinsville. Our 3rd & 4th graders cheered
their friends onto victory AND won the Spirit Stick as we had the highest
percentage of our class in attendance at the game. The contest for Class with
the Most School Spirit continues at each home game. Next month we will see
which class wins the special pizza or ice cream party!
Several of our 3rd
& 4th grade girls compete on the “C” volleyball team. They won another
match recently making their record now 5 wins and 3 losses! Wow! They
have shown incredible improvement just since the start of the season and I look
forward to watching this group of girls grow together as a team over the next
few years!
In memory of September 11, we
took part in the “I Will” campaign promising to pay tribute to those who lost
their lives by engaging in some type of charitable service. Our class discussed
what it means to be a hero and then wrote thank you letters to the heroes in
our lives—parents, grandparents, teachers, secretaries, firefighters, police
officers, and friends—and then sent our letters to them. It is a beautiful
thing to see a hero through the eyes of a child and I commend you for being a
hero in your child’s life.
Tuesday, the 3rd
& 4th grade attended Metro-East Lutheran High School’s annual
Field Day. Five hundred 3rd & 4th graders from 16
area schools competed in a day of team-oriented events. Our Saint Paul’s
students competed in various activities including a 50-yard dash, a
three-legged race, an obstacle course, soccer kick for accuracy, jump rope,
volleyball pass, and the hockey shot. Maccenna, Abby, Logan, and Jack proudly took
first in the hockey shot with 10 out of 12 shots made! Students competed all
across the Lutheran High campus while the Lutheran High students led the
events. I was very pleased with the patience and kindness I witnessed on the
part of the high school students explaining the events and working with our
young children. Our kids had so much fun running, laughing, and playing—I think
they only paused for a short lunch break of grilled hot dogs and burgers,
nachos, pretzels, and maybe more candy than their teacher cared to know about!
Thank you to our chaperones—Karen Kilzer, John Fischer, Natalie Carlson, and Jo
Ann Kesterson for carting our kids to each event and helping to ensure the day
ran smoothly for all involved.
Wednesday in our chapel service,
our 3rd & 4th graders performed a skit to share a
message on honesty. Cayla Wilderman starred as Tommy, a boy who lies to his
friend Alex (played by Logan DiRosa) and then continues building on his lies to
cover up his dishonesty. In the end, Tommy learns that sins can’t cover up
other sins—only Jesus’ forgiveness can do that. He asks forgiveness of those he
wronged and receives it because of God’s grace and mercy in sending His son to
take our sin. The children did a wonderful job memorizing their lines and acting
their parts. I’m proud of them for sharing God’s message in this way. Thank you
to all who joined our chapel service today.
As always, I wish to
thank you for your continued support of our dear school! It is a tremendous
blessing to work here and see firsthand the awesome things God is doing in the
lives of these children.
McLaughlin and 3rd & 4th Grade Class