Monday, August 26, 2013

First Week a Success in 3rd & 4th Grade!

The first full week of school has come to a close and what a week it’s been! Your students have quickly caught on to our class routine and rules. Our boys played their first baseball game and our girls their first volleyball games this past week. We’re so proud of the 3rd grade girls in our class who have helped their “C” Team win both games thus far! We’re grateful for all the church and school families who have come to the games to cheer us on!
In science class we collected various leaves and then classified them according to traits of size, shape, texture, color, and leaf margin. We have a second on-going experiment with bean seeds which we observe daily and note changes in size and root structure. We will take our first social studies test today. We’ve learned about communities and what draws people to a community. We’re a quick group of math students so extra time allows us to play math fact games like Around the World. We’re memorizing the books of the Bible in religion class so we can quickly look up our scripture readings. We’ve also begun our Friday Bible study where we are focusing on 1 John which includes our theme verse for this month: “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1) In reading class, we have reading buddies in each of the Pre-K classes and the kindergarten class. This helps us become more confident in our reading skills while also allowing the younger children to get to know and become comfortable with the older students in our school. We had our first chapel service with our chapel families last week so it was nice for the younger children to have a chapel “buddy” they had already met.  In music class with Mr. Navarra, we are learning about rhythm and beat. In art class with Mrs. Beckemeyer, we created our own portfolios and are now reviewing the color wheel. Dr. McLaughlin is teaching us how to use Microsoft Office in technology class twice a week. Since Mrs. McLaughlin is teaching P.E.  to Kindergarten this year, we have the opportunity to have Mrs. Thomas again for reading and writing a couple times a week. We’re enjoying listening to her read aloud some of our old favorite stories; then she challenges us to write our own stories modeling after the book she read. We had the privilege of meeting Maccenna Fischer’s grandparents from Michigan and listened to them read a couple of stories! Be sure to stop by the hallway outside our classroom and check out our “All About Me” collage posters. We shared them with our classmates and now wish to share them with the rest of you so you can get to know us better!
Sunday was the Ice Cream Social and Rally Day. Our class was mostly in attendance enjoying the awesome bounce houses, water balloon fight, face painting, music (including our very own 4th grader, Cayla Wilderman, who played The National Anthem on the keyboard), games, and of course, ice cream! It was a wonderful fellowship opportunity for the families of Saint Paul’s Church & School!
I shared my own exciting news with my class this past week. My husband Colin and I will be expecting our first child in April of 2014. My students and I are tracking the growth of the baby week to week and are amazed by all of the growth Baby McLaughlin makes in a single week!
Thank you for your love and support of our school and its children. We are each so blessed to be a part of this special “family” at Saint Paul’s.
Mrs. McLaughlin & Class

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