Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reading Buddies

Kindergarten Reading Buddies
Madeline & Cheyenne 

Claire & Lennon

Jack with sister Natalie & Dean

Kelsie with big brother Logan and classmate Bryce

Emma & Natalie

Abby & Cheyenne

Maccenna with Merik & Dean

Madeline & Haleigh

Brody & Claire

Jack with Jack and Lennon

Cayla with little brother Luke

Jack, Jack & Lennon having a good time!

Maccenna & Haleigh

Cayla getting into her story with Kelsie & Bryce

Emma & Jack

Luke, Logan & Merik

Brody & Abby

Pre-K 3 (M-W-F) Reading Buddies
Logan reading to Mrs. Schuessler, Ethan & Brock

Smiley Carly & Claire

Cayla & Maleah chatting

Matthew & Emma

Abby & Nathan

Maccenna & Beau

Jack & Mason

Mabry & Madeline

Maccenna's grandparents visit from Michigan and read a couple of stories to us.

Pre-K 4 A.M. Reading Buddies
Jack reads to Breahna & Dawson

Claire reads to Zane & Ava

Emma reads with Tori & Isabel

Madeline squeezes in next to Hailey and reads to her, Ava, Nathan, and Mrs. Daniels.

Abby reads with Mrs. Brinker, Callie, Olivia, and Chase.

Logan with Chase & Michael

Cayla reads to Chaz, J.D. & Imogen

Maccenna reads with Morgan & Emily

Pre-K 4 P.M. Reading Buddies
Maccenna & Joey

Madeline reads to little brother Jonathan and Lila.

Abby reads with Mrs. Brinker, Ava & Jake

Logan with Matthew & Zeke

Cayla & Silas

Emma & Katie

Monday, August 26, 2013

First Week a Success in 3rd & 4th Grade!

The first full week of school has come to a close and what a week it’s been! Your students have quickly caught on to our class routine and rules. Our boys played their first baseball game and our girls their first volleyball games this past week. We’re so proud of the 3rd grade girls in our class who have helped their “C” Team win both games thus far! We’re grateful for all the church and school families who have come to the games to cheer us on!
In science class we collected various leaves and then classified them according to traits of size, shape, texture, color, and leaf margin. We have a second on-going experiment with bean seeds which we observe daily and note changes in size and root structure. We will take our first social studies test today. We’ve learned about communities and what draws people to a community. We’re a quick group of math students so extra time allows us to play math fact games like Around the World. We’re memorizing the books of the Bible in religion class so we can quickly look up our scripture readings. We’ve also begun our Friday Bible study where we are focusing on 1 John which includes our theme verse for this month: “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1) In reading class, we have reading buddies in each of the Pre-K classes and the kindergarten class. This helps us become more confident in our reading skills while also allowing the younger children to get to know and become comfortable with the older students in our school. We had our first chapel service with our chapel families last week so it was nice for the younger children to have a chapel “buddy” they had already met.  In music class with Mr. Navarra, we are learning about rhythm and beat. In art class with Mrs. Beckemeyer, we created our own portfolios and are now reviewing the color wheel. Dr. McLaughlin is teaching us how to use Microsoft Office in technology class twice a week. Since Mrs. McLaughlin is teaching P.E.  to Kindergarten this year, we have the opportunity to have Mrs. Thomas again for reading and writing a couple times a week. We’re enjoying listening to her read aloud some of our old favorite stories; then she challenges us to write our own stories modeling after the book she read. We had the privilege of meeting Maccenna Fischer’s grandparents from Michigan and listened to them read a couple of stories! Be sure to stop by the hallway outside our classroom and check out our “All About Me” collage posters. We shared them with our classmates and now wish to share them with the rest of you so you can get to know us better!
Sunday was the Ice Cream Social and Rally Day. Our class was mostly in attendance enjoying the awesome bounce houses, water balloon fight, face painting, music (including our very own 4th grader, Cayla Wilderman, who played The National Anthem on the keyboard), games, and of course, ice cream! It was a wonderful fellowship opportunity for the families of Saint Paul’s Church & School!
I shared my own exciting news with my class this past week. My husband Colin and I will be expecting our first child in April of 2014. My students and I are tracking the growth of the baby week to week and are amazed by all of the growth Baby McLaughlin makes in a single week!
Thank you for your love and support of our school and its children. We are each so blessed to be a part of this special “family” at Saint Paul’s.
Mrs. McLaughlin & Class

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day Fun!

Hello & Welcome to my new 3rd & 4th graders!

What a wonderful day we had today! Students began their day by filling out an "All About Me" questionnaire. Then they walked around the room taking turns interviewing their classmates and sharing their own responses with one another. We worshiped together in chapel at 9am singing praises to God and learning about how He loves us- "just the way we are." We looked through our textbooks, organized our desks, toured the classroom, discussed my expectations as their teacher and the routines and procedures of our classroom, and created our own "All About Me" collages. I told my students they are welcome to bring pictures from home of their families, pets, houses, etc., to include in their poster- anything that tells about them. We will display our collage posters in the hallway outside our classroom all year long so that others in the school can also get to know us better.

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement we received as we started our day today!
Mrs. McLaughlin

Beginning of the Year Letter, Expectations & Procedures

Dear Families of Third and Fourth Grade Students,

Welcome to a new school year at Saint Paul’s Lutheran School! My name is Mrs. Lauren McLaughlin and I will be your child’s third and fourth grade teacher. I am excited to begin another school year and I know God will immensely bless our time together!

I invite you and/or your child to meet with me, call me, or send me an email if you have any questions, concerns, or information you’d like me to have regarding your child’s needs. The best time to meet with me is after 5:00 p.m. If you must meet with me during the school day, please call or email me first so that we can set up a time that is convenient with my teaching schedule and will not interrupt our students’ learning.

If you are interested in getting involved with our classroom in some way here is a list of various levels of parent involvement:
*Donations to our classroom:
-Classroom “Store”: snacks, candy, little trinkets (I’ve had luck at garage sales finding little toys, picture frames, jewelry, stationary, knick-knacks, etc.) The students love earning the privilege to “shop” after they’ve accumulated their stickers for demonstrating good behavior and responsibility.
-Job Supplies: birdseed, hummingbird feed mix
-Library: books, old magazines for collage work (check appropriateness)
*Field trip chaperones
*Helping with holiday parties (30-60 min. at end of day): Christmas & Valentine’s Day
*Speaking to class about a topic or doing a “read aloud” (can be tied in to certain holidays?)

If you have other ideas or would like to do one of the above, feel free to email me and we can set something up. I welcome parent involvement and the kids love it too!

I am here to assist your child in learning and I value your involvement as your child’s first teacher. I have been involved with Saint Paul’s Church and School for over 20 years and I feel a deep investment in its future—our students. This school has blessed me in countless ways and I hope you will join me in feeling the same!

In Christ,
Mrs. Lauren McLaughlin
(618) 667-6314 ext. 1010 (school)

Classroom Background & Expectations

Take Home Folder
Each child will bring home a folder daily.  Please check it every evening for important information and send it back to school the following day.  Any notes for me or the school that need to come back to us (i.e., scholastic orders, field trip money, etc.) should be placed in the left side of the folder and any homework your child will need to complete or has completed will be in the right side of the folder. This folder helps me to communicate more easily with families and it helps the children learn to be better organized.

Assignment Sheet
Your child will write his/her homework on their assignment sheet each day.  I will initial them at the end of the day and ask that a parent also initial their assignment sheet nightly. I will check these each morning and reward a sticker to those students who have their assignment sheet signed. This lets me know that my students’ parents are informed of their child’s assignments and allows parents to check on the completion of their child’s work.

Classroom Rules
  1. Be respectful to God, others, and yourself
  2. Be polite
  3. Be prepared for class
  4. Make good choices
Behavior Plan
Our classroom behavior plan uses a card system whereby each card turned will hold a different consequence. Each child will have a sticker chart that they will be working to fill, and for every day that they do not turn a card they will earn one sticker. When their chart is full of stickers, they will earn the reward of “shopping” at the classroom store or “saving” their stickers to accumulate “interest.” The colors and consequences are the following:

            White: Great job! No problems (earn 1 sticker)
            Green: Warning (lose sticker for the day)
            Yellow: Lose recess
            Red: Lose a second recess and fill out behavior report for parents to sign

Students who receive a red card will be required to write a behavior report that is taken home and signed by a parent. The purpose of the report is to get the student thinking about his/her actions and to help them learn to take part in solving the problems associated with their negative behavior. I hope that by working together we can achieve a more positive learning environment. In severe instances, the student may be sent to the principal and parents will be contacted. I hope not to take this last step, but it is important to have a plan if necessary.

Whole class behavior:  Our class will be working to “catch compliments” by showing love and kindness to fellow classmates, teachers, and the rest of the student body. We will track the compliments we receive in our catcher’s glove, and the entire class will be rewarded each time we reach 25 compliments.

Curriculum, Routines, and Procedures

Absences:  I will send home the work your student misses the next day that he/she is present for class. Students will have one day for every day they missed to complete their work. If your student misses a test, he/she will take it the next day he/she is in class.

Art, Music, and PE:  Currently, we have Art scheduled on Thursdays with Mrs. Beckemeyer, P.E. on Tuesdays and Fridays with Mrs. Fischer and me, Music on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Technology Education on Tuesdays and Fridays with Mr. McLaughlin. Please make sure your child has a pair of non-marking gym shoes to keep in their cubby at school and remember to dress appropriately on P.E. days (shorts or pants instead of skirts or jumpers). Students will also need a paint shirt to keep in their cubbies for Art.

Book Orders:  Forms for Scholastic book orders will be sent home monthly.  If you choose to order books, please send the money in the form of a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs.  You also have the option of placing your order online and paying with a credit or debit card.  I encourage you to order online because the book selection is greater and we earn a FREE book for our classroom library every time a parent places an order online. I just ask that you send me a note telling me you ordered online so I remember to send the orderJ

Book Reports: The students will have one book report each month which will cover a different reading genre (i.e., mystery, fantasy, non-fiction, realistic fiction, biography, etc.) They will have advanced notice which will give them enough time to read the approved book, write a report, and make a visual aid. The students will receive several different choices on how to present their report (write a commercial, interview a character, create a scene, etc.).

Church & Sunday School Attendance:  Every Monday morning I will ask for the students’ church and Sunday School attendance from the weekend. Worship is such an important piece of our faith walk and so we encourage you to make it a priority in your family.

Computers: Each student in 3rd & 4th Grade will have a laptop to use at school. Third and fourth graders will have a technology education class twice a week in Mr. McLaughlin’s room while I teach 5th-8th grade P.E.

Current Events:  Each Wednesday students will be responsible for sharing a social studies related article with the rest of their classmates. Students will have one week to work on this assignment either at home or during their free time at school. I will not assign them a specific time to work on it; it will be their responsibility to finish it on their own time. Every Wednesday morning, we’ll have a discussion time to share what we’ve found in our research.

Grades:  Homework and class participation is worth 40% of a student’s grade. Tests are worth 60% of their grade. I will allow students to complete extra credit if they wish to raise their grade in a certain subject.

Homework: Schoolwork will be given daily and becomes homework if it is not finished in class; however, students will have ample class time to work. Memory work and spelling words should be practiced nightly and students are encouraged to read for a few minutes/night.

Students should turn in their homework to the appropriate tray each morning when they arrive at school. I will collect it from the trays first thing in the morning. If homework is turned in late, the student’s grade will be reduced one letter grade and they will be expected to finish it during their own time. I will remind students only once of their late work. It is their responsibility to finish it and get it to me.

I will send home graded work on Fridays. Please sign the sheet at the front of your student’s pile of graded work indicating that you have seen their work and your student can return the signed sheet to me the next school day. Students may keep their graded work at home. Students who return their graded work log signed the following school day will earn a sticker and students who have not returned their sheet to me by the end of the week will lose their one recess/day until it is returned. I feel it is important that my students’ parents are aware of their child’s progress and this system will let me know that you are reviewing their work.

Lunch:  Your child may bring his/her lunch, or he/she may purchase a hot lunch daily.  Lunch count will be a part of our morning routine.  Lunch bills are sent home at the end of the month.

Religion:  We have chapel every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. The other four days of the week we have religion in the classroom. Pastor Schuessler teaches religion in our classroom on Tuesdays. Students will have memory work each week. They will have the entire week to say it and are welcome to break it up into smaller parts, but it must be said by Friday morning. Students who are absent on Friday will be required to say their memory work on Monday morning.

Reading Homework:  Students are encouraged to read every night. We will start the Pizza Hut Book It and Blues Bookworm reading programs in October and participate in the Six Flags reading program later in the year. Your child’s nightly reading can be put towards all of these reading programs to earn rewards like a Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut, a ticket to a St. Louis Blues hockey game, and a free ticket to Six Flags.

Snacks:  We will have snack each day after 1st recess. It is up to the student to bring his/her own snack. I will not provide snacks for them and will not allow sharing. Only healthy snacks are allowed (fruit, yogurt, crackers, etc.): no cookies, chips, or candy. Snacks must be kept in your child’s backpack, not in their cubby. I don’t want any rodent visitors J Students are also allowed to keep a bottle of water with them.

Spelling:  Students will have weekly spelling tests. They will receive their words on Monday and keep them in their homework folder. There will be a test on Friday.

Tardiness:  I start class promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students who arrive after class has started will be counted tardy. A student who is tardy 4 times in a quarter is counted as one absence.

Tests:  We will review for all tests the day before they are to occur, but I also encourage the children to take home their textbooks to study with their parents. You might ask them the questions at the end of each lesson and the questions at the end of the unit or have them tell you what the vocabulary words mean.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me! I will be more than happy to discuss them with you. Let me emphasize again, I am very excited about the opportunity to have your child in class! I know we will learn and grow together in Christ’s love and abundance.

In Christ,
Mrs. McLaughlin