Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Around the World Project

Christmas (and other December Holidays) Around the World
Due Dec. 20, 2012
I am assigning you a project which you will complete on your own. You will choose a country to research online. You will be learning about how that particular country celebrates Christmas or another December holiday—their special customs, or traditions. I am giving you a few websites to help you gather your information. This project will be part of your Social Studies and English grades.

1.    Include a poster with a picture (hand-drawn very carefully or print pictures from the internet) of your country and pictures showing the customs and traditions of the people celebrating their holiday
2.    Be able to point out where your country is on a map
3.    Write a written report in paragraph form (don’t just make a list of answers) about your country and create a poster to present your research to the class. Use the questions below to help you write about how Christmas or another December holiday is celebrated in your country. For example, some questions you should answer:
a.    When do the people of your country celebrate Christmas or another December holiday? (If you choose to report on another December holiday, tell us what it’s called.)
b.    What kinds of special foods do the people who live there make during the holiday season?
c.    Does your country have any different symbols of Christmas or other December holiday celebrations (like the Christmas card, the star, mistletoe, the poinsettia, holly, the Christmas tree, Christmas carols)
d.    What does your country call Santa Claus? (Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Papa Noel, etc.) How is he different from the Santa Claus we know in the United States?
e.    Do people from your country give gifts during their celebration?
f.     How do people from your country say “Merry Christmas”?
4.    Bring one cultural artifact (anything created by humans which gives information about the culture of its creator and users) used during Christmas by the people in the country you’re researching (like special foods, clothing, symbols, etc.)
5.    Include any other interesting information about your country’s celebrations that you would like to share.
6.    Write the names of all websites, books, and other resources you used to write your report.

Rubric (How you will be graded on each part):

Written report              ______________ / 25 pts.      Organization                ______________ / 10 pts.                 
Poster                          ______________ / 25 pts.      Neatness                     ______________ / 10 pts.
Presentation                ______________ / 10 pts.      Sources Cited             ______________ / 10 pts.     
Cultural Artifact           ______________ / 10 pts.

Overall Grade ______________ / 100 pts.

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