Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reminders: 3/14-4/11

  • Fri. 3/14: DRESS DOWN DAY! Students may dress in St. Patrick's Day colors (green, yellow, orange)!
  • Mon. 3/17-Fri. 3/21: Spring Break- No classes and no sports practices
  • Mon./Wed./Fri. 3/24-3/28: Official track practices begin. Attendance is mandatory.
  • Mon. 4/07: Biography Book Report due.
    • Iowa Testing all week 8:00am-noon. Please don't schedule appointments in the morning hours so your child doesn't miss any tests. Please also get your child to school promptly as we will begin testing right away each morning. They should eat a good breakfast and sleep well the night before. Thank you!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Upcoming Field Trip

If your child hasn't informed you, we finished our entire Social Studies textbook last week! They are very excited about this accomplishment!

I have asked them to create a list of topics they are interested in learning more about and we plan to study them through the end of the year. The first topic of interest is Native American Indians. Each student is studying a tribe and will be preparing an in-class presentation to share with their peers. As a class we will also study the Cahokia tribe famous for the Cahokia Mounds historic site in Collinsville. I am in the midst of planning a field trip to the Mounds and museum the first week of April (if it's available). Are any of you (or grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) interested in coming along? I'm not sure I'll be up for climbing Monk's Mound at 9 months pregnant, but perhaps some of you will be up for the challenge?! Let me know. Thanks!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Notes & Memory (NO SPELLING): March 10-14

  • Tues. 3/11: Talent Show at 6pm in the gym.
  • Wed. 3/12: Lenten Dinner served by Sunday School children in the church basement 5:30-6:30pm.
    • Lenten service at St. Paul's at 7pm.
  • Fri. 3/14: Last extra credit Social Studies opportunity: States or Capitals Map Quiz.
    • Last day of 3rd Quarter. Report cards go out Tue. Mar. 25 after we return from Spring Break.
    • Kids' Night Out at 5pm in the gym.
  • Mon. 3/17-21: Spring Break. Unofficial Track Practices MWF 3-4:30pm.


The Second Article

What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord,
who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil;

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Memory & Notes (No Spelling): March 3-7

  • Wed. 3/05: Crazy Mismatch Day! (Wear your clothes backwards, inside out, mismatched in the craziest, wildest way!)
    • GRANDS (Grandparents, Relatives, Aunts/Uncles, Neighbors, Dedicated Caretakers, and Special Someones) invited to sit with their student(s) at chapel at 9:00am and join us for refreshments in the gym at 9:30am.
    • Unofficial Track Practice 3-4:30pm
    • Ash Wednesday service at 7pm at church
  • Thu. 3/06: Throw Back Thursday! (Dress from any era)
    • Parade of costumes at 9:45am in gym
  • Fri. 3/07: "I Love Saint Paul's" Spirit Day! (Dress in any combination of red, white & black, your Saint Paul's T-shirts or jerseys, or anything else that shows school spirit!)
    • Ch 12 Social Studies test
    • Unofficial Track Practice 3-4:30pm
    • Trivia Night at 7pm at Collinsville VFW
  • Mon. 3/10: Ch 8 Science test
  • TUESDAY 3/11: TALENT SHOW RESCHEDULED at 6pm in the gym.
    • Book Fair will be open for any last purchases.

Matthew 5: The Beatitudes
Memorize the verse you are in charge of illustrating and explaining.
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
   for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
   for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
   for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
   for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
   for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
   for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
   for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Book Report Ideas Theme: Biography or Autobiography

DUE April 9, 2014
Book Report Ideas
Theme: Biography or Autobiography
Definition: The story of a real person’s life that is written by someone other than that person (biography) or that is written by that person him/herself (autobiography).
Directions: Choose a book that fits the category of biography or autobiography and have Mrs. McLaughlin approve it (otherwise you’ll lose points). Write a summary of the book and then choose one of the activities below to present to your classmates.
1.      Travel Brochure
Prepare a travel brochure using pictures you have found or drawn that go along with where your book character spent his/her life. Include descriptions with each picture. Brochures need to be folded neatly with information on each page of the brochure. Include all the necessary information about how to contact your travel company and describe the fun and interesting things visitors can see and do!

2.      Photo Album
Design a pretend photo album that captures the notable moments in the subject's life. Draw and color pictures to represent important events on 3- by 5-inch note cards to resemble snapshots. Write a caption beneath each picture that reveals its significance and the event's importance in the subject's life. Design a cover for the album that features a real photo of the subject. Create three holes along the left edge of the cover and each photo album page. Make sure the holes on each page line up and use a metal brad in each hole to bind the report together.

3.      Pizza Box
Turn a recycled pizza box into a clever report that presents "slices" of the subject's life. Cut a poster board into a circle that will fit inside the pizza box and use scissors to cut the circle into even slices. Use a pen to write a significant fact about the subject on one side of each slice and illustrate the text by gluing a photo or creating a marker drawing on the other side. Decorate the box's lid with photos of the subject that have been drawn on white paper or printed from a computer.

4.      Souvenir Bag

Showcase the notable events in the subject's life by gathering mementos to represent each moment. If you're writing a report on a famous baseball player, for example, fill a sports tote bag with objects such as a postcard from his hometown, a trophy that represents his first little league win, a baseball to serve as a reminder of a notable home run or a jersey featuring his retired number. Write text to accompany and explain each item on a tag. Tie each tag to the corresponding object with string. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Notes, Memory & Spelling: Feb. 24-28

  • Mon. 2/24: Intramurals 3-4:30pm
  • Wed. 2/26: Intramurals 3-4:30pm
  • Fri. 2/28: Intramurals 3-4:30pm
    • TRACK INFORMATIONAL MEETING to follow Intramurals. Parents & athletes will have a chance to talk with coaches about the upcoming season.

  • Sunday:  Kids sing in 10:30am service at Saint Paul's.
    • Sausage Supper, noon to 6 p.m.
    • Scholastic Book Fair open all week.
  • Monday:  Sports Day--wear your favorite sports team jersey or colors.  Jeans are acceptable.
    • Talent Show at 6pm in the gym. All students in 3rd/4th grade are encouraged to come sing the song they've been working on in Music class (They're favorite praise and worship song!!!)
  • Tuesday:  Bed Head/Pajama Day--wear your pj's and don't bother to comb your hair. 3rd & 4th graders are allowed to bring a stuffed animal.
    • Representatives from the St. Louis Zoo will be here with animals for an assembly in the gym at 9:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday:  Crazy Mismatch Day--wear your clothes backwards, inside out, mismatch, over-sized. 
  • By popular request, GRANDS (Grandparents, Relatives, Aunts/Uncles, Neighbors, Dedicated Caretakers, Special Someone) are invited to chapel at 9 a.m., to be followed by light refreshments and fellowship in the gym from 9:30-10 a.m.  
  • Thursday:  Throw Back Thursday--dress from any era.  
  • 9:45 a.m. parade in the gym and contest for best costume.
  • Friday:  I Love St. Paul's Day--wear any St. Paul's jersey, t-shirt, red/white/black colors to celebrate our school spirit.  Jeans are acceptable.
    • Trivia night--doors open at 6 p.m., trivia begins promptly at 7 p.m. at Collinsville VFW.
The Second Article

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Story: The Journey: Stories of Migration
  1. cities
  2. cried
  3. puppies
  4. hurried
  5. stories
  6. flies
  7. parties
  8. tried
  9. pennies
  10. fried
  11. carried
  12. babies
  13. spied
  14. ponies
Challenge Words:
  1. countries
  2. libraries
Spelling Words-4th Grade
Story: I Could Do That!
  1. dentist
  2. final
  3. finish
  4. narrow
  5. shelter
  6. ahead
  7. corner
  8. hollow
  9. divide
  10. famous
  11. recent
  12. silver
  13. capture
  14. cabin
  15. dinner
  16. minus
  17. minute
  18. value
  19. reward
  20. broken
Challenge Words:
  1. decent
  2. secure
  3. standard
  4. frontier
  5. stampede

Friday, February 14, 2014

Notes, Memory & Spelling: Feb. 18-21

  • Mon. 2/17: NO SCHOOL- Presidents' Day
  • Thu. 2/20: Chapter 7 Science test
  • Fri. 2/21: Chapter 11 Social Studies test
    • Six Flags Reading due
    • Talent Show permission slips due
  • Sat. 2/22: E-cycle Event at Saint Paul's

Baskets for Saint Paul’s Trivia Night Auction
  • Parents of Grades K-4:
    Saint Paul's 10th Annual Trivia/Auction is fast approaching and will be held March 7, 2014, at the VFW in Collinsville at 7:00pm.  Our classes will contribute a couple baskets for the silent auction.
    We have chosen a theme for our first basket of “Snow Day Fun”.  Some ideas for this basket would be board games & card games, movies, hot cocoa & marshmallows, sleds/snowboards, snowman building kit, scarves, hats & mittens, books, winter crafts, cookie baking ingredients, gift certificates or money donations for movie theaters, restaurants, and indoor attractions, etc…   These are just some ideas, but please feel free to donate anything you think would be appropriate.  If you are willing to donate an item or two please send it in with your child by Monday, March 3.    Thank you for your help!

The First Article

He defends me against all danger and guards and protects me from all evil.
All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me. For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him.
This is most certainly true.

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Story: Sarah, Plain, and Tall
  1. coming
  2. swimming
  3. dropping
  4. tapping
  5. taping
  6. invited
  7. saving
  8. stared
  9. planned
  10. changing
  11. joking
  12. loved
  13. gripped
  14. tasted
Challenge Words:
  1. freezing
  2. scared
Spelling Words-4th Grade
Story: The World According to Humphrey
  1. event
  2. humor
  3. rapid
  4. music
  5. relief
  6. planet
  7. detail
  8. unite
  9. frozen
  10. figure
  11. siren
  12. polite
  13. hotel
  14. protest
  15. punish
  16. defend
  17. relay
  18. habit
  19. student
  20. moment
Challenge Words:
  1. rumor
  2. jealous
  3. license
  4. image
  5. rival

Monday, February 10, 2014

Notes, Memory & Spelling: Feb. 10-14

  • Tue. 2/11: PTL meeting at 6pm in the gym.
  • Wed. 2/12: Intramural sports opportunity begins for all students grades 3-8 after school until 4:30pm.
  • Thu. 2/13: Saint Paul's Open House from 4-7pm.
  • Fri. 2/14: Class Valentine's Party from 1-3pm in the classroom. Students may bring a recyclable to decorate during the party for a "mailbox". Students can also bring a Valentine and/or treat for their classmates.
  • Mon. 2/17: NO SCHOOL- Presidents' Day
  • Fri. 2/21:Ch 11 Social Studies test
    • Talent Show forms due
    • Six Flags Reading Programs due


The First Article

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

What does this mean? I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them.

He also gives me clothing and shoes, food and drink, house and home, wife and children, land, animals, and all I have. He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life.
Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Story: Life on the Ice
  1. birthday
  2. anyone
  3. sometimes
  4. everything
  5. homework
  6. afternoon
  7. airplane
  8. grandmother
  9. something
  10. without
  11. himself
  12. faraway
  13. sunburned
  14. daylight
Challenge Words:
  1. scorekeeper
  2. everybody
Spelling Words-4th Grade
Story: Sacagawea
  1. million
  2. collect
  3. lumber
  4. pepper
  5. plastic
  6. borrow
  7. support
  8. thirty
  9. perfect
  10. attend
  11. canyon
  12. traffic
  13. fortune
  14. danger
  15. soccer
  16. engine
  17. picture
  18. survive
  19. seldom
  20. effort
Challenge Words:
  1. occur
  2. venture
  3. challenge
  4. rascal
  5. splendid