- Sat. 11/23: Christmas Program practice in the church sanctuary from 9:30-11am. Please drop off and pick up inside the church. We'll dismiss your child to you when we see you inside.
- Sun. 11/24: Our Sunday School children sing in the 10:30am service. Please join us as we listen to them share their musical talents.
- Mon. 11/25: Book Reports due
- No memory work or spelling
- Tue. 11/26: Ch 8 Social Studies test & extra credit map quiz
- Mon. 12/09: Santa's Kottage in the lobby area. Students will have the opportunity to shop for gifts for loved ones. Feel free to return the shopping "list" and money anytime between now and then and I can hold onto it for them.
Thanksgiving Party: My students have planned a small Thanksgiving party for themselves which will occur in the classroom after lunch from 1-3:00pm on Tuesday. Please don't feel obligated in the least to bring the item your child signed up for. I just let them have fun planning it. We're really fine with whatever they bring and I will be providing cookies so we'll have those at the very least! Here is their "Party List":
Apples for apple bobbing and/or hot chocolate: Alyssa
"Twister" and brownies: Cayla
"Don't Scramble the Egg": Logan
Soda: Maccenna
Popcorn: Emma
Hi-C drink and organizing Scavenger Hunt: Claire
Pizza: Jack
Marshmallows: Abby
Movie or coloring contest: Madeline