Monday, April 29, 2013

Egg Drop Experiment

Last month our class earned its 50th compliment for the year. The students thought of ideas with which to be rewarded and then voted on their favorite idea. A "Science Experiment" party was the winner! I had the task of coming up with an interesting science experiment for the reward. We invited our 7th & 8th grade friends to join us in the Egg Drop Experiment. Each group of one or two 3rd or 4th graders was paired with a 7th or 8th grader. They were given only the task of protecting their fragile egg from a drop off the playground. Groups selected items from a supply of paper, balloons, pipe cleaners, felt, toothpicks, plastic cups, glue, and tape. They used these items to create some sort of shield to absorb the impact of the fall and protect the egg inside.

Abbi and Jayden (above) create a shield of felt stuffed in two plastic cups which they joined together. Emily and Sarah (below) covered plastic cup with felt and cradled their egg in a nest of pipe cleaners and felt.

Brian, Jack, and Logan put felt in a plastic cup and placed the egg inside. They then encased the cup in 3-4 layers of felt. Cayla and Elaine (below) built a design that included two plastic cups attached together and stuffed with felt with the egg nestled inside. They created a cushion of yarn at the bottom of the two cups to absorb the landing and attached two balloons at the top to help the cups land right side up. Their design made the highest successful drop at 15 feet.

Claire and Ellis (above) drop their egg first from 4' as a test run.

Rachel and Brayden (above) and Emily and Sarah (below) get brave and move up to the 11' mark for their first drop.

Jayden and Abbi (above) get ready to successfully drop their egg from 11' while Logan, Jack, and Brian (below) move up to 13'.

Claire and Ellis (above) try for 13' and are successful! The only egg they break is the one in Claire's pocket! Oops!

Elaine and Cayla (above) win the contest with a drop from 15'.

TRASHformation Pictures

 Congratulations to all of the 3rd & 4th graders who participated in the Madison County TRASHformations Contest this year! Each student created their own piece of art out of recycled products and then the teachers of Saint Paul's voted on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Students were judged by the amount and variety of recyclables they utilized in their project and the level of originality and creativity of their design. 

Coming in 3rd place with her "Colonial Claire" project was Emily Milano (left)! Second place went to "Pop's Terrific Tugboat" by Jack Kenison (middle)! And our 1st place winner who went on to compete at the county level with all the other area school winners is "Recycobot" by Jayden Ponce (right)! 

Brayden Proffitt (left) with his Robo3000, Logan DiRosa with his Ultimate Birdhouse, Claire Loemker with her creation "Claire's Clubhouse", and Cayla Wilderman with her project "The Drinking, Thinking Chair." 

All the students will receive a ribbon of participation and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will receive a special ribbon at the Awards Banquet. First through third place also received a  special prize. Make sure you stop by the school to take a look at all of the creative projects on display outside of our classroom. The students really enjoy this contest every year and it's always fun to see what they come up with each year!

Spelling and Memory Work: April 29-May 3


  • May 1: If you still wish to contribute items to our Ice Cream Basket for the silent auction at Trivia Night, we will accept items up until Wednesday. 
  • May 3: Trivia Night at Collinsville VFW. Doors open at 6pm and trivia starts at 7pm. If you haven't attended before, I strongly encourage you! It's one of the most fun events we do each year in my opinion! Your children can also attend and help out by running answers to the score table.
  • May 6: Fred Bird visits! Students are allowed to wear STL Cardinal apparel!
  • May 7: Chapter 10 Social Studies test, reservations due for Awards Banquet, AND LAST INTRAMURALS!
  • May 9: Ascension Day Service
  • May 10: DRESS DOWN DAY! Field trip to the Meyer Skating Center in Edwardsville. I have received most permission slips but still need a few. The cost is $8 ($6 if your child brings his/her own skates). All parents are invited to meet us there, but I would like to reserve bus seats for parents who have not had the opportunity to attend a field trip with us yet this year.
  • May 14: Awards Banquet at 6pm. Hope all of my class can make it!
  • May 16: 8th Grade graduation. I would like for all of my students to be there to show support for our 8th grade class. We will be singing during the ceremony. Refreshments will follow.
  • May 21: Last chapel service at 9am and last day of regular classes.
  • May 22: Field Day! Our day will conclude at 11:15am.
Acts 5:29, 41-42
But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men”...Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Words Often Misspelled (p.180)

  1. about
  2. again
  3. almost
  4. a lot
  5. also
  6. always
  7. am
  8. and
  9. another
  10. anyone
  11. anyway
  12. around
Challenge Words:
  1. beautiful
  2. because

Spelling Words- 4th Grade
Words Often Misspelled (p.408)
  1. again
  2. all right
  3. a lot
  4. also
  5. always
  6. another
  7. anyone
  8. anything
  9. anyway
  10. around
  11. beautiful
  12. because
  13. before
  14. believe
  15. brought
  16. build
  17. buy
  18. cannot
  19. can’t
  20. caught

Challenge Words:
  1. choose
  2. chose
  3. clothes
  4. coming
  5. could

Friday, April 26, 2013

Testing Complete!

We finished our testing today.  My students worked really hard and tried their very best! We played Bible trivia  this afternoon as a nice little break from the testing.

Trivia Night:
Thank you to everyone who brought in donations to help us make a successful basket for the silent auction at Trivia Night.  I have plenty of cones now, but could use a few more toppings or gift certificates. Thank you! Hopefully, the ice cream basket will be a hit! If you haven't put a team together yet, I encourage you to! There's still time and Trivia Night is one of my favorite 

Skating field trip:
Our final field trip for the year is scheduled for Friday, May 10th.  We'll be going to Edwardsville YMCA to roller skate.  When we return, grades K-4th will also eat pizza.  The form went home with your child earlier this week.  Make sure you fill out what skate size they will need.  They may bring their own skates which eliminates the $2 skate rental fee. I would like to invite any parents who have not had the opportunity to attend a field trip this year to take the bus with us. All other parents are also welcome to meet us there!

Awards Banquet
We hope you can join us to honor the students at the Awards Banquet on Tuesday, May 14th.  Dinner will be served at 6 PM and awards will start around 6:45. Please return your reservation forms.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Testing This Week

My students are excited to begin testing this week! It's all they could talk about last week! I'm glad to give them the change of pace it will provide and allow them to demonstrate their skills in all they've learned thus far. I reminded them Friday "sleep well, eat well, do well." Please also remind your child to get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast each morning. I will only administer 2-3 tests per day. We will begin promptly each morning and be finished before lunch. They will still have recess, snack time, and small breaks built in between tests. There will be no memory work or spelling words this week. Students will still have their science test on Tuesday, but it will be open book. Blessings on your week!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Notes, Memory & Spelling: April 15-19

Trivia Night:  Trivia Night is coming May 3rd!  1-4 grades are working together to create an Ice Cream Themed Basket for the Silent Auction.  If you are willing to participate, please send in an item to be included in this basket.  It could be an ice cream scoop, cups, non-perishable ice cream sundae supplies, or gift cards to local ice cream establishments. 

Mid quarter reports come home this Thursday, April 18th.  

Date to Remember:  

  • Trivia Night is May 3rd.
  • Awards Banquet  May 14th --Be sure to send in your reservation to Ms. Craig.
  • Last Day of school:  Field Day Wednesday,  May 22  (11:00 Dismissal)  

Jesus’s Ascension
Acts 1:10-11

And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Smart Solutions Spelling Review

  1. little
  2. again
  3. summer
  4. alive
  5. purple
  6. around
  7. I’m
  8. able
  9. wouldn’t
  10. ago
  11. ever
  12. before
    Challenge Words:

    1. mumble
    2. let’s
    3. awhile
    4. who’s
    5. thermometer

    Spelling Words- 4th Grade
    Heroes Spelling Review

    1. redo
    2. unsure
    3. useless
    4. kindness
    5. easier
    6. copied
    7. crazier
    8. seven
    9. become
    10. fever
    11. dislike
    12. movement
    13. displease
    14. cities
    15. families
    16. worried
    17. angriest
    18. paper
    19. parent
    20. prison

      Challenge Words:

      1. unusual
      2. resourceful
      3. breezier
      4. select
      5. radar

Monday, April 8, 2013

Memory & Spelling: April 8-12

John 20:21-23
Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Voyagers Spelling Review

  1. flew
  2. brought
  3. hello
  4. tooth
  5. Monday
  6. pretty
  7. chew
  8. sudden
  9. order
  10. spoon
  11. thought
  12. happen
  1. 13. brought

Challenge Words:

  1. brook
  2. expect
  3. loose
  4. stubborn
  5. granddaughter
Spelling Words- 4th Grade
Nature: Friend and Foe Spelling Review

  1. favorite
  2. camera
  3. banana
  4. remember
  5. neither
  6. against
  7. wonder
  8. climb
  9. thumb
  10. calf
  11. animal
  12. however
  13. alphabet
  14. health
  15. guard
  16. blood
  17. woman
  18. listen
  19. honor
  20. kneel

    Challenge Words:

    1. halibut
    2. photograph
    3. rhyme
    4. drought
    5. debt

Saturday, April 6, 2013

TRASHformations Winners Announced!

Congratulations to all of the 3rd & 4th graders who participated in the Madison County TRASHformations Contest this year! Each student created their own piece of art out of recycled products and then the teachers of Saint Paul's voted on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Students were judged by the amount and variety of recyclables they utilized in their project and the level of originality and creativity of their design. Coming in 3rd place with her "Colonial Claire" project was Emily Milano! Second place went to "Pop's Terrific Tugboat" by Jack Kenison! And our 1st place winner who will go on to compete at the county level with all the other area school winners is "Recycobot" by Jayden Ponce! All the students will receive a ribbon of participation and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will receive a special ribbon and prize. Make sure you stop by the school to take a look at all of the creative projects on display outside of our classroom. The students really enjoy this contest every year and it's always fun to see what they come up with each year!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Memory & Spelling Words: April 2-5

Memory Work:
“The Lamb” (All God’s People Sing, p. 229)

Verse 3 (Just those students who didn't say it last week)
The Lamb, the Lamb,
As wayward sheep their shepherd kill.
So still, His will
On our behalf the Law to fill.

Verse 4:
He sighs, He dies
He takes my sin and wretchedness.
He lives, forgives,
He gives me His own righteousness.

Verse 5:
He rose, He rose,
My heart with thanks now overflows.
His song prolong
‘Till every heart to Him belong.

Spelling Words-3rd Grade
Voyagers Spelling Review

  1. grew
  2. daughter
  3. until
  4. cook
  5. ought
  6. forget
  7. balloon
  8. caught
  9. dollar
  10. boot
  11. window
  12. taught

    Challenge Words:
    1. brook
    2. expect

    Spelling Words- 4th Grade
    Week 27: Skylark

    1. knight
    2. soften
    3. honor
    4. kneel
    5. climb
    6. wrinkle
    7. limb
    8. handsome
    9. answer
    10. calf
    11. listen
    12. calm
    13. knit
    14. often
    15. palm
    16. thumb
    17. wrist
    18. lamb
    19. knob
    20. honest

    Challenge Words:

    1. drought
    2. knoll
    3. heir
    4. debt
    5. wrestle